2019 Farm Bureau Equine Town Hall
Equine Town Hall Recap
8/15/2019 Dream Park
Ryck Suydam, President, New Jersey Farm Bureau
President Suydam welcomed all NJ farmers. He hopes the Farm Bureau Town Hall meetings will be informative and beneficial to all types of agriculture in the Garden State.
Dr. Carey Williams, Rutgers
Dr. Williams explained pasture management. How different grazing systems for horses work and the impact on pasture and soil. How it will help horse heath and farm economics.
Dr. Karyn Malinowski, Rutgers, Director,Equine Science Center
Discussed the state of the equine industry in 2018. The Equine Science Center is known worldwide as the “go to” for information on any aspect of equine management.
Ed Wengryn
Brought us up to date on Legislative issues and how they affect equine liability and the right to farm.
Ernest Beier, DVM
The owner of Ratting Run Farm in Mickleton, NJ, which features livestock management and hay production. He discussed diseases and preventative measures which will protect our horses. How to treat emergency health issues, due to heat, skin and infection.